Thursday, June 17, 2010

God's Creative Genius

It seems a bit understated to refer to "genius" and "God" in the same sentence but that's just the weakness of the human language...or at least my grasp of it.  However, as I recover from my recent surgery (removal of 12" of my colon), I can't help but think of  how He designed the human body.  Yes, it is true that I had a part to become defective.  But, thankfully, I had a very good doctor to do some mending. 

I can detect improvement everyday and am extremely grateful.  The interesting thing is that God didn't design us as we design a car.  By that, I mean that when a part goes out on the car, a part replacement doesn't occur unless it is put in correctly and all the circuits, fuses, and connections are operating correctly. A car repair doesn't improve itself over time. 

God's plan for the human body is that, yes, the part has to be put in correctly or taken out, in my case, but He designed us in such a way for the body to mend itself.  He doesn't "make" it mend or "force mend" it.  He gives us the sense or lack thereof to assist the healing process and understand the changes in our bodies to know when to get off the couch or when to back off physical activity.

Salvation is sort of like that.  God does the work...all the work.  He just allows us to accept what He has done for us and apply it to ourselves or ignore and continue to go our own way.  He allows me to abuse my soul or take care of  it. I am thankful that in 1985, I realized His work and I chose to allow it to do it's work in my own life.

This may be a stretch to compare God's plan for the healing of our bodies and our souls but it is something to think about today.